Lifelong learning is increasingly becoming a critical factor in all aspects of professional development. We use transmedia techniques to offer experiential learning to fast-track managerial employees, who recognise the importance of soft skills being regularly deployed in any organisation that sees itself as ‘smart’.
Lifelong Learning Products

Our suite of programmes is designed to deliver skills and techniques to enhance a modern manager, it also introduces elements of cognitive resilience and emotional intelligence. Whilst these broader human factors often feature in any good managers daily competences, they, like the pure skills agenda, need refreshment and development. Not recognising this can be detrimental to the manager, the team and ultimately the success of the whole organisation.
Our Lifelong learning training tools include wellbeing, homeworking and our research unit is now developing new soft skills tools relating to leadership, communication, problem-solving and developing natural intuition.
Lifelong Learning Enquiries: John Dale | john@limetools.biz | +44 (0) 7803 736749
Head Office: Studio 5 | The Old Brewery | 91A Southcote Road | Bournemouth | BH1 3SW