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Nudge TV is an App that is currently in development. It is designed to be a personal companion for you, to remind you of your personal cyber habit plan when you need it and provide general cyber support. It will be delivered on the mobile or on the desktop as a friendly reminder. 

The subscription service will offer a regular monthly or bi-monthly 3-minute video magazine with updates, news items, a short case study and a habit reminder. Nudge TV is designed to act as a retention mechanism to ensure that the initial impact of the learning experience remains with the trainee for a long time. It counteracts the natural inclination of a habit changer to slip back into their ‘old ways’. Nudge TV increases the value of the training experience over a much longer time.

Psyber Enquiries:    Kyle Patterson  - Business Operations Manager    |    |    +44 (0) 1202 022449

Head Office:    Studio 5     |     The Old Brewery     |     91A Southcote Road     |     Bournemouth     |      BH1 3SN

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