The team at Limetools design and build solutions to the many challenges involved in optimising employees’ talent and mitigating against business vulnerability, whilst maintaining wellbeing in a complex and often confusing digitally enabled workplace.
We build tools to meet some of the high-risk challenges facing business operators, particularly in the area of cyber security, net zero behaviours and innovation management. We have learnt how to measure behaviour change not just in levels of technique adoption, but also growth indicators of emotional intelligence and cognitive resilience.

Products and Services
We license eLearning tools and organisational change Campaign Programmes that use story-led content, rich in challenging decision-making scenarios that question ingrained organisational bad habits. We use immersive training techniques to deliver measurable and long-lasting behaviour change.
Our experience and unique mix of skills are also in demand in private consultations, and we have developed change solutions for large, complex organisations, including governments and multinationals.

About Us
We are a small team with an unusual combination of highly skilled and young-ish talent, offering our clients instant access to behavioural psychologists, learning planners, broadcast storytellers, gaming developers, UX designers, data analysts and specialists in cyber security, environmental sustainability and innovation management.
We work well in an advanced virtual collaborative environment, as well as in our production studio, conveniently near the beach in Bournemouth, UK.

Our Techniques
The Limetools engine has taken five years and considerable investment to build and is one of the few that uses Social Cognitive Learning Theory with underpinning transmedia techniques.
Our output often includes feature film drama, comic-strips, animated quizzes and factual documentaries, all produced in-house, to generate user immersion and deliver habit change. Total flexibility in delivery is secured using xAPI formats and simulcast platforms, whilst offering significant performance data analytics.

Academic Practice
Our research work is annually peer reviewed by our four University partners and academically published. Currently we are working with African, European, UK multinational and government clients on high level research projects related to remote collaborative learning of ‘soft skills’; deploying emotional intelligence in decision-making under pressure; and exploring human technical augmentation in team-working.
Clients and Partners

General Enquiries: Kyle Patterson - Business Operations Manager | kyle@limetools.biz | +44 (0) 1202 022449
Head Office: Studio 5 | The Old Brewery | 91A Southcote Road | Bournemouth | BH1 3SN Company Registration: 8516058